A portfolio of works from short stories to poetry for your reading pleasure

Author's note: This is a piece written for a creative fiction writing class in college. Tobias, you'll notice, is a name I use in more than one work, though I don't like to recycle names. This is less of a recycling and more of the beginnings of a character that only becomes more significant in BROTHERS' CURSE-- an emblem of strength. ...

Author's Note: We grew up. It's not like this anymore, but I'll never forget the time we had together as children. I'll never forget the joy of being a part of this family.

Author's Note: This piece is true and utterly embarrassing. The best thing to do is post it, right?

Author's note: This piece is not for the faint of heart. It's graphic, odd, and maybe a bit too redneck. It's also true. Read at your own risk.

Author's Note: Place yourself in the shoes of a toddler and ask yourself, "Do I really like where my life is going?"

Apr 01


Author's Note: Sometimes I'll post old works to show the writing journey from one year to another. This is an older piece written for a class, and you can see my horrendous punctuation. No one said you had to be perfect the first time around.

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