Brothers' Curse

Book 1: Facing the Briars *Manuscript is complete and on submission*

When Prince Charming isn't so charming...

Crown Prince Terrance wants nothing more than to cure his youngest brother, Tobias, of a curse cast by a legendary faery. The problem is: the faery is hidden behind an impenetrable wall of briars. The other problem is: Terrance is scared out of his mind. He can't do anything right. He can't lead archers. He can't lead his brothers. He can't even stop a prophet from using an illegal power and making Tobias' curse worse.

But he can strategize.

When Terrance discovers there's more to Tobias' curse than what the princes previous thought, he and his brothers defy their father to recruit the very prophet that threatened to reveal their secret curse. They make a bargain: the princes will listen to her prophecies, and she will use her power to break Tobias' curse for good. If they fail, it would mean war with their neighboring country. They only wonder if her power will be great enough. 

Art on this page is all thanks to Thetryingartist! Check her out on Instagram. She's AMAZING!

he makes up for it with something greater.


- See more character art by Thetryingartist on Instagram

- Brothers' Curse Pinterest Board

- Brother's Curse Youtube Mix (coming soon)

Meet the cast

Crown Prince Terrance

  • Age 17
  • Prefers to be called Bowman or Hunter over prince.
  • Favorite color: green
  • Can be found alone. Always alone. 
  • Life goals: to cure Tobias' curse, duh.

Prince Dimitri 

  • Age 16
  • Oldest and drunkest of the twins
  • Ambassador with a taste for monopolization
  • "Belligerent masochist" according to Zamien. 

Prince Zamien

  • Age 16
  • Negotiator and bard.
  • When did he poison the guards? When did he learn to...? Never mind. 
  • "Snobbish sycophant" according to Dimitri.

Prince Romeo

  • Age 11
  • Gardener and village idiot
  • Favorite food: anything from the garden
  • He washed his hair last four months ago.

Prince Tobias

  • Age 10
  • Cursed. 
  • Small and delightful to be around during the day. Your worst nightmare after midnight. 
  • Feel for him or feel Terrance's wrath. 

Evanders, Royals, Nobles, and the Influenced 

Evanders: Gideon, Cadence, Julan, and the crew. Journey with this troop of elite archers as they team up with Terrance to teach lessons in leadership and taking risks. They know courage isn't the lack of fear but the presence of perseverance. 

Royals and Nobles: Parents and neighboring royalty along with the council of generals that act as antagonists and allies in Terrance's journey 

Influenced: Phoebe, the prophet of death, and Titania, the Guardian of the Scáil. You don't want to cross their paths, cursed or not. 

Maps and Moods

Discover the world of Codinya from the cliffs in Bethu to the briars of the forest to the salt marshes in Greydon. There's not much this island doesn't have to offer. 

© 2021 Carissa Borders. All rights reserved.
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