Carissa Borders

Writer and Editor

Since spending countless hours of my middle school life exploring world-building with my older sisters, writing became more than a passion for me. It became my focus. I wanted to inspire others, to share ideas and emotion in a realistic yet fantastical way. I wanted to be the parable-teller, the bard of the 21st century, the prophet. So, I became a writer. 

I sought out a degree that would align with this desire and ended up in Bemidji, Minnesota at Bemidji State University, not terribly far from my small, insignificant hometown of St. Francis. In Bemidji, I learned two things: I was not made for the winters here, and I wanted to be a novelist. They coincide I suppose, as winter keeps me indoors and at my desk, writing. 

During school, I had three writing-related jobs: 1) an internship as the head editor of an online academic journal; 2) a tutoring/ writing consultant position in the writing resource center at the university; and 3) a self-employed business pertaining to editing and proofreading student essays. This third job expanded to my non-writing specific job, as my boss requested me as the business' editor. I worked on their website, news-letters, and a book the founder had written. 

After graduating with my BA in Creative and Professional Writing, I got married, found a part-time, and began writing my first book (a novel idea I have had floating around in this tangle of a mind since high school). And that it that, leading us to now. 


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